Horticultura, plantas ornamentales, técnicas de cultivo, cultivos protegidos, cultivos sin suelo, programación de cultivos, jardinería.
Sexenios concedidos: 4. Último sexenio: 2015.
FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., NIÑIROLA, D., OCHOA, J., ORSINI, F., PENNISI, G. GIANQUINTO, G., EGEA-GILABERT, C. 2016. Root adaptation and ion selectivity affects the nutritional value of salt-stressed hydroponically grown baby-leaf Nasturtium officinale and Lactuca sativa. Agricultural and Food Science 25:230-239
LÓPEZ-MARÍN, J., GÁLVEZ, A., DEL AMOR, F.M., ALBACETE, A., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., EGEA-GILABERT, C., PÉREZ-ALFOCEA, F. 2017. Selecting vegetative/generative/dwarfing rootstocks for improving fruit yield and quality in water stressed sweet peppers. Sci. Hortic. 214: 9-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2016.11.012.
PAGNOTTA, M.A., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., SONNANTE, G., EGEA-GILABERT, C. 2017. Genetic diversity and accession structure in European Cynara cardunculus collections. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0178770. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal. pone.0178770.
KARKANIS, A.; NTATSI, G.; LEPSE, L.; FERNÁNDEZ, J.A.; VÅGEN, I.M.; REWALD, B.; ALSINA, I.; KRONBERGA, A.; BALLIU, A.; OLLE, M.; BODNER, G.; DUBOVA, L.; ROSA, E.; SAVVAS, D. 2018. Faba bean cultivation – revealing novel managing practices for more sustainable and competitive European cropping systems. Front. Plant Sci. 9:1115.
doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01115.
MARTOS-FUENTES, M.; EGEA-GILABERT, C.; MEZAKA, I.; FERNÁNDEZ, J.A.; EGEA-CORTINES, M.; WEISS. J. 2019. Distance analysis among northern and southern European legume accessions using next-generation sequencing reveal discrepancies between geographic and genetic origins, Scientia Horticulturae, 243: 498-505.
OCHOA, J., FRANCO, J.A., BAÑÓN, S., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A. 2009. Distribution in plant, substrate and leachate of paclobutrazol following application to containerized oleander seedlings. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 7: 621-628.
EGEA-GILABERT C, FERNÁNDEZ J.A., MIGLIARO D., MARTINEZ-SANCHEZ J.J., VICENTE M.J. 2009. Genetic variability in wild vs. cultivated Eruca vesicaria populations as assessed by morphological, agronomical and molecular analyses. Sci. Hortic. 121: 260-266.
RODRÍGUEZ, S., ARTES-HERNÁNDEZ, F., GÓMEZ, P., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., ARTES, F. 2010. Quality of fresh-cut baby spinach grown under floating trays system as affected by N fertilization and innovative packaging treatments. J. Sci. Food Agric. 90: 1089-1097.
LARA, L., EGEA-GILABERT, C., NIÑIROLA, D., CONESA, E., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A. 2011. Effect of aeration of the nutrient solution on the growth and quality of purslane (Portulaca oleracea). J. Hort. Sci. Biotech. 86: 603-610.
LO BIANCO, C., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., MIGLIARO, D., CRINÒ, P. EGEA-GILABERT, C. 2011. Identification of F1 hybrids of artichoke by ISSR markers and morphological analysis. Mol. Breed. 27:157–170.
LAHOZ, I., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., MIGLIARO, D., MACUA, J.I., EGEA-GILABERT, C. 2011. Using molecular markers, nutritional traits and field performance data to characterize cultivated cardoon germplasm resources. Sci. Hortic, 127: 188-197.
FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., ESTEBAN A., CONESA, E., OCHOA, J., ÁLVAREZ-ROGEL, J. 2012. Nitrate evolution in soil, leaching water, and lettuce crops using different fertilization strategies. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Ann. 43, 2467-2483.
EGEA-GILABERT, C., NIÑIROLA, D., CONESA, E., CANDELA, M.E., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A. 2013. Agronomical use as baby leaf salad of Silene vulgaris based on morphological, biochemical and molecular traits. Sci. Hortic. 152: 35-42.
LOPEZ-MARIN, J., GONZALEZ, A., PEREZ-ALFOCEA, F., EGEA-GILABERT, C., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A. 2013. Grafting is an efficient alternative to shading screens to alleviate thermal stress in greenhouse-grown sweet pepper. Sci. Hortic.149: 39-46.
EGEA-GILABERT, C., RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, M.V., PARRA, M.A., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A. 2014. Characterization of purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) genotypes: suitability as ready-to-eat product Sci. Hortic. 172: 73-81.
NIÑIROLA, D., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., CONESA, E., MARTÍNEZ, J.A., EGEA-GILABERT, C. 2014. Combined effects of growth cycle and different levels of aeration in nutrient solution on productivity, quality and shelf-life of watercress (Nasturtium officinale R. Br.) plants. HortScience 49: 567–573.
CONESA, E., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., NIÑIROLA, D., EGEA-GILABERT, C. 2015. Nutrient solution aeration and growing cycles affect quality and yield of fresh-cut baby leaf red lettuce. Agricultural and Food Science 24: 313-322.
PIGNATA, G., NIÑIROLA, D., CASALE, M., LO TURCO, P.E., EGEA-GILABERT, C., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., NICOLA, S. 2016. Inherent Quality and Safety of Watercress Grown in a Floating System Using Bacillus subtilis. The Horticulture Journal. 85: 148-153. doi: 10.2503/hortj.MI-091.
LAZARIDI, E., NTATSI, G., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., KARAPANOS, I., CARNIDE, V., SAVVAS, D., BEBELI, P. 2017. Phenotypic diversity and evaluation of fresh pods of cowpea landraces from Southern Europe. J. Sci. Food Agric. 97(13):4326-4333 .DOI:10.1002/jsfa.8249.
KARAPANOS, I., PAPANDREOU, A., SKOULOUDI, M., MAKROGIANNI, D., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., ROSA, E., NTATSI, G., BEBELI, P.J,, SAVVAS, D. 2017. Cowpea fresh pods - a new legume for the market: assessment of their quality and dietary characteristics of 37 cowpea accessions grown in southern Europe. J Sci Food Agric. 2017, 97(13):4343-4352. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8418.
ATILA, F., TÜZEL, Y., FAZ CANO, A., FERNANDEZ, J.A. 2017. Effect of different lignocellulosic wastes on Hericium americanum yield and nutritional characteristics. J. Sci. Food Agric. 97: 606–612. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.7772
MARTOS FUENTES, M.M.; FERNÁNDEZ, J.A.; OCHOA, J.; CARVALHO, M.; CARNIDE, V.; ROSA, E.; PEREIRA, G.; BARCELOS, C.; BEBELI, P.; EGEA GILABERT, C. 2017. Genotype × Environment interactions in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata l. walp.) grown in the Iberian Peninsula. Crop and Pasture Science, 68: 924–931. https://doi.org/10.1071/CP17071.
COLLADO, E.; VENZKE-KLUG, T.; MARTÍNEZ-SÁNCHEZ, A.; ARTÉS-HERNÁNDEZ, F.; AGUAYO, E.; ARTÉS, F.; FERNÁNDEZ, J.A.; GÓMEZ DI MARCO, P. 2017. Immature pea seeds: effect of storage under modified atmosphere packaging and sanitation with acidified sodium chlorite. J Sci Food Agric. 2017, 97(13): 4370–4378. DOI 10.1002/jsfa.8513.
BODNER, G.; KRONBERGA, A.; LEPSE, L.; OLLE, M.; VÅGEN, I.M.; RABANTE,L.; FERNÁNDEZ, J.A.; NTATSI, G.; BALLIU, A.; REWALD, B. 2018. Trait identification of faba bean ideotypes for Northern European environments. European Journal of Agronomy 96: 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2018.02.008
ATILA, F.; TUZEL, Y.; FERNÁNDEZ, J.A.; FAZ CANO, A.; SEN, F. 2018. The effect of some agro- industrial wastes on yield, nutritional characteristics and antioxidant activities of Hericium erinaceus isolates. Scientia Horticulturae 238: 246-254.
WEISS, J.; TERRY, M.I.; MARTOS-FUENTES, M.; LETOURNEUX, L.; RUIZ-HERNÁNDEZ, V.; FERNÁNDEZ, J.A.; EGEA-CORTINES, M. 2018. Diel pattern of circadian clock and storage protein gene expression in leaves and during seed filling in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata). BMC Plant Biology. 18:33. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-018-1244-2.
FERNÁNDEZ, J.A.; ORSINI, F.; BAEZA, E.; OZTEKIN, G.B., MUÑOZ, P.; CONTRERAS, J.; MONTERO, J.I. 2018. Current trends in protected cultivation in Mediterranean climates. European Journal for Horticultural Science 83(5): 294-305. DOI: 10.17660/eJHS.2018/83.5.3
GIMÉNEZ, A., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., PASCUAL, J.A., ROS, M., LÓPEZ-SERRANO, M., EGEA-GILABERT, C. 2019. An agroindustrial compost as alternative to peat for production of baby leaf red lettuce in a floating system. Scientia Horticulturae, 246: 907-915. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2018.11.080.
SÁNCHEZ-NAVARRO, V. ZORNOZA, R., FAZ, A., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A. 2019. Comparing legumes for use in multiple cropping to enhance soil organic carbon, soil fertility, aggregates stability and vegetables yields under semi-arid conditions. Scientia Horticulturae, 246: 835-841. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2018.11.065.
COLLADO, E., VENZKE KLUG, T., ARTÉS-HERNÁNDEZ, F., AGUAYO, E., ARTÉS, F., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., GÓMEZ, P.A. 2019. Quality Changes in Nutritional Traits of Fresh-Cut and Then Microwaved Cowpea Seeds and Pods. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 12: 338-346. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11947-018-2214-2.
COLLADO, E., VENZKE KLUG, T., MARTÍNEZ-HERNÁNDEZ, G.B., ARTÉS-HERNÁNDEZ, F., MARTÍNEZ-SÁNCHEZ, A., AGUAYO, E., ARTÉS, F., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A., GÓMEZ, P.A. 2019. Nutritional and quality changes of minimally processed faba (Vicia faba L.) beans during storage: Effects of domestic microwaving. Postharvest Biol. Technol. 151: 10-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2019.01.008.
SÁNCHEZ-NAVARRO, V. ZORNOZA, R., FAZ, A., FERNÁNDEZ, J.A. 2019. Does the use of cowpea in rotation with a vegetable crop improve soil quality and crop yield and quality? A field study in SE Spain. European Journal of Agronomy, 107: 10-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2019.03.007.
PENNISI, G., BLASIOLI, S., CELLINI, A., MAIA, L., CREPALDI, A., BRASCHI, I., SPINELLI, F., NICOLA, S., FERNANDEZ, J.A., STANGHELLINI, C., MARCELIS, L.F.M., ORSINI, F., GIANQUINTO, G. 2019. Unraveling the Role of Red:Blue LED Lights on Resource Use Efficiency and Nutritional Properties of Indoor Grown Sweet Basil. Frontiers of Plant Science 10:305. Q1. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00305
TÍTULO DEL PROYECTO: Crop diversification and low-input farming across Europe: from practitioners engagement and ecosystems services to increased revenues and value chain organization. Diverfarming
ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Comisión Europea. H2020. nº 728003
DURACIÓN: desde 01/05/2017 hasta: 31/12/2021
IMPORTE CONCEDIDO: 10.457.923 € (1.443.625 € UPCT)
Proyecto Acción Integrada HI2007-0199. Morphological, genetic and biochemical-nutritional characterization of local genetic resources of artichoke and melon. Investigador principal: Juan A. Fernández Hernández. 2008-2009.
Proyecto MCINN AGL2008-02435/AGR. Adecuación de la tecnología y del material vegetal a la producción en bandejas flotantes de hortalizas de hoja de pequeño tamaño. Investigador principal: Juan A. Fernández Hernández. 2009.
Proyecto MCINN AGL2010-17680. Optimización de la tecnología de producción de hortalizas de hoja pequeña (baby leaf) en bandejas flotantes para su uso como producto mínimamente procesado de alta calidad. Investigador principal: Juan A. Fernández Hernández. 2011-2013.
PROYECTO MEC AGL2014-52732-C2-2-R: Uso de composts supresivos y sus extractos biológicos en la producción sostenible y de calidad de rucola y lechuga baby-leaf en suelo y en bandeja. INVESTIGADOR RESPONSABLE: Juan A. Fernández Hernández. DURACIÓN: desde: 1 enero de 2015 hasta: 31 diciembre de 2017
Proyecto europeo del FP7: EUROLEGUME. Enhancing of legumes growing in Europe through sustainable cropping for protein supply for food and feed.
ENTIDADES PARTICIPANTES: Universidad de Tras Os Montes, Universidad de Agricultura de Atenas, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, etc.
DURACIÓN: desde: 1 enero de 2014 hasta: 1 enero de 2017
IMPORTE CONCEDIDO (UPCT): 6.572.839,58€ (681.536,80 €)
TÍTULO DEL PROYECTO: Validación de compost como inductores de propiedades funcionales y de resistencia frente a patógenos para la producción sostenible de hortalizas de hoja pequeña (baby leaf). AGL2017-84085-C3-3-R
ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
ENTIDADES PARTICIPANTES: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena.
DURACIÓN: desde: 1 enero de 2018 hasta: 31 diciembre de 2020
INVESTIGADORES RESPONSABLES: Catalina Egea Gilabert y Juan A. Fernández Hernández
TÍTULO DEL PROYECTO: Soil biodiversity enhancement in European agroecosystems to promote their stability and resilience by external inputs reduction and crop performance increase. SoildiverAgro
ENTIDAD FINANCIADORA: Comisión Europea. H2020. nº 817819
DURACIÓN: desde 01/06/2019 hasta: 31/05/2023.
INVESTIGADOR RESPONSABLE:D. Fernández (Universidad de Vigo).
IMPORTE CONCEDIDO: 6 999 888.75 €.
Josefa López Marín. (2004) Vertiente ornamental de algunas geofitas naturalizadas y silvestres: especies del género Gladiolus. Director. Juan A. Fernández Hernández.
Diana Niñirola Campoy (2015). Effects of aeration of the nutrient solution and application of PGPR on the production and quality of baby leaf vegetables grown in floating system. Directores: Juan A. Fernández Hernández y Catalina Egea-Gilabert
Virginia Sánchez Navarro (2019). Legumes crop for a sustainable agriculture: study of soil fertility, greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration and nutritional status of the crops. Directores: Juan A.Fernández y Raúl Zornoza
Luis Lara Urdaneta. 2008. Optimización de la siembra manual de verdolaga (Portulaca oleracea L.) en bandejas flotantes styrofloat.
Eulalia Martínez Díaz. 2009. Estudio de materiales de cubierta antitérmicos en pimiento.
Amparo Gálvez López. 2009. Influencia de cubiertas plásticas fotoselectivas en un cultivo de tomate.
Diana Niñirola Campoy. 2010. Influencia de la densidad de plantación en la producción y calidad de cultivos de berro y canónigo en bandejas flotantes para su producción como baby leaf.
Almudena Giménez Martínez. 2010. Evolución de nitratos en suelo, lixiviados, y palntas en una rotación de tres cultivos hortícolas aplicando diferentes tratamientos de fertilización.
Innovaciones en horticultura
Coordinador: Dr. Francisco Artés Hernández E-mail: fr.artes-hdez@upct.es Teléfono: (+34) 968 32 55 09 |
© Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena Paseo Alfonso XIII 48. 30203 Cartagena |
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